Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Virgin Coconut Oil For Eczema

From a Nurse-Using Coconut Oil as a Treatment For Eczema
By Helen Hecker

Sometimes one has to resort to alternative, natural eczema treatment methods to get the best cure or results for their eczema problem. And often it's a better choice, due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden products.

It should always be the first treatment to consider when you want to take the best care of your skin.

First of all, eczema and dermatitis are often referring to the same thing in the medical world. They cover a variety of inflammations of the most outer portion of the skin. There are three different, broad types of eczema.

The type of eczema depends on the cause and where it occurs on the body. The types are basically, allergies, rashes, and nutritional deficiencies. The eczemas include atopic, dyshidrotic and nummular eczema.

Naturally you'll want to eliminate any internal cause of eczema as in non-contact allergies, rashes, and nutritional deficiencies.

For local causes of eczema such as contact dermatitis, you want to avoid having your skin come into contact with the offending item.

It could be jewelry, perfumes, chemicals in any cosmetics, shellac in mascara, lipstick, nickel, lotions, soaps, fabric softener sheets, pesticides from contact around the mouth, latex gloves, etc.

I'm assuming here that you already have a diagnosis of eczema.

The best thing I've found to heal eczema is extra virgin coconut oil. It works better than eczema creams, which are usually chemical-laden products, whether for babies, teens or adults.

Make sure you're working on eliminating the cause of your eczema, whether internal or external, which we won't go into here.

Extra virgin coconut oil has helped many I know to help heal the skin. Ultimately, of course, the immune system and body do the healing if you were to do nothing, but coconut oil can speed up the process.

If you also have acne it'll treat acne too and is better than most chemical acne products.

You want to make sure you get the extra virgin type that is not refined, bleached or deodorized. You can order it online.

Whole food-type markets are carrying more coconut oil, in pint and quart jars and especially the extra virgin coconut oil. Get the organic kind if you can.

Coconut oil cures many other skin conditions and skin disorders too, besides making the skin soft and smooth. I use it for everything including as a make-up remover and under my foundation. My skin is always soft, silky, smooth, and free of rashes, bumps, blemishes, blisters, etc.

It stops itching and flaking too.

Coconut oil is very inexpensive therefore, a good, cheap home remedy. Keep it around to treat any other skin problem. It's actually healthy to eat too. It's a plant saturated fat, not an animal saturated fat.

I add two big tablespoons to my smoothies, to help my skin from the inside out too, and have been doing so for many years.

Although we refer to it as coconut oil, it isn't actually oil until the temperature climbs above 77 degrees. It can be applied when it is in the oil-state or non-oil state.

To apply the extra virgin coconut oil, massage it deep into the affected area. You can heat it if you like but you don't have to. Depending on how severe the eczema is, apply it three or four times a day or more and especially at bedtime.

It's important to keep the area moist with the oil. You may have to apply a loose bandage to your skin, soaked with the oil. If the eczema is on your hands, you'll have to apply it even more often.

Also you can expose the area to direct sunlight for 20 minutes or so each day. You'll get your daily dose of vitamin D that way too.

Many have used coconut oil as a treatment to cure or heal their eczema or their baby's eczema.

It just takes motivation, a willingness to try it, and diligent application of coconut oil several times each day and at bedtime.

And your eczema and its symptoms, providing you've removed the cause, should go away. Continue using coconut oil and good clear skin will be your reward.

For more information on eczema treatment and natural treatments for eczema, go to http://www.Best-Skin-Solutions.com Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in eczema, acne, zits, pimples and skin disorders with tips, help, advice and resources including information on skin rash treatment

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Helen_Hecker

Visit this site for info on virgin coconut oil

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Not all Fats are Bad

by: Dianne Ronnow

Fats have been unfairly lumped together as being all bad for too long. Fat doesn't necessarily cause disease, and can actually cause a role in its prevention. The truth is that some fats are very bad for us and some fats are actually very good for us.

Time has shown us that diets that restrict all fats fail in terms of weight loss. Since the end of World War II, Americans have been told that they need to restrict saturated fat in their diets. So we switched to margarine from butter, and did what we could to restrict fat. We have been constantly told that the reason for our health problems is that we still eat too much fat, especially saturated fats.

Since Americans have been told to eat a low fat diet to lose weight, the results are that nearly two thirds of adult Americans are now classified as overweight and more children are overweight now than ever before. Obviously something is wrong. That is because we need special kinds of fats in our diets that we are not getting.

If you are like me, you grew up being told that vegetable oils were the good oils and saturated fats were the bad ones. Now we are finding out that it is just the opposite. Diets that are moderate to high in "good" saturated fats and oils such as coconut oil and olive oil are actually very good for us. They raise good cholesterol levels and lower bad cholesterol, blood glucose and blood pressure. As a matter of fact, people who started adding at least 4 tablespoons of coconut oil to their diets every day, have found that they can now lose weight when they could not before on a fat restricted diet. Sometimes the addition of these oils even helps with their health problems.

It turns out that the bad guys are polyunsaturated oils, which carry toxic fatty acids (long chain fatty acids or LCT's). These LCT's tend to produce fat in the body. Polyunsaturated oils are the vegetable oils we commonly see in the grocery store, such as soy, corn, cottonseed, rapeseed and safflower.

We have been told that they lower cholesterol, but they way that they do is not healthy, as it ends up collecting in the liver. These oils are easily oxidized and damaged by free radicals. When cooked they become rancid in a few hours, even in the refrigerator. This causes damage to our body at a cellular level, the end results showing up as problems like diabetes, cancer, hypothyroidism and heart disease. And if that is not enough, these oils help us to get fat, lower the metabolic rate in our bodies, help suppress the thyroid function and cause our skin to age quicker.

Trans-fat is one of the worst bad guys. Trans-fatty acids often appear on ingredient labels as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. It is what they do to vegetable oils to make them into hard fats such as margarine and vegetable shortening. It is used in the prepared food industry in baked goods like cookies, crackers, and most supermarket peanut butter to prolong the shelf life. These bad fats are used almost exclusively in fast foods that are fried. When heated and eaten, they turn into something like poison in your system, because your body can not process this kind of chemically made fat. Trans-fats not only increase levels of bad cholesterol, but they will decrease levels of good cholesterol in the blood stream and trans-fatty acids have been linked to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Fats such as margarine and shortening should be totally avoided, as well as foods items that contain them.

The United States FDA is finally catching up to this truth, and by January 2006 they will be requiring food products to label the amount of trans-fat they have in them.) What is frightening is that trans-fats are found in over 40% of the products on our supermarket shelves.

The fatty acid chains in coconut and olive oil are medium-chain fatty acids (MCT's) and they promote weight loss by increasing the body's metabolism to create energy. Coconut oil has become popular lately, because it has been discovered that coconut oil is nature's richest source of MTC's. If you decide to add coconut oil to your diet, it is recommended that you purchase virgin coconut oil (VCO), usually found in health food stores, because it from the best part of the coconut and has not been chemically bleached and heat processed. It is better for cooking than olive oil, because olive oil can be damaged by the heat of cooking, making it similar to the other vegetable oils in the body when cooked.

Even saturated fat from animals is not as bad as it once was thought to be, especially if it is from organically raised animals (free range and grass fed). Organic butter has a very high conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content, which helps us lose weight and gain muscle. But non-organic meats may still be dangerous because of the way the animals were raised or fed. Most grocery store meats are filled with hormones, pesticides, medicines and unhealthy fat that gets transferred to us when we eat it.

Organic grass fed and free range meat and eggs avoid these problems, and give us a much healthier source of protein and saturated fat. Organic saturated fats and oils are actually good for you and should be eaten daily. The body needs these fats for healthy functioning.

So, forget the guilt and fry up that range-fed chicken in some coconut oil and enjoy!

About The Author

By Dianne Ronnow © 2006 Mohave Publishing. All rights reserved. From "The Enzyme Health Diet Plan", a free ebook found at http://enzyme-health.com.

Dianne’s FREE ebook, "Coconut Oil Diet Secrets" reveals how people are losing weight and getting healthier with coconut oil diets. To find out the secrets of coconut oil, go to the web site at http://Coconut-Oil-Diet.com now!

Visit www.NuferaForHealth.com for info on virgin coconut oil

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Stay Healthy with Virgin Coconut Oil

7 Ways To Use Coconut Oil To Stay Healthy And Look Attractive

Take two or three tablespoons of coconut oil a day to strengthen your immune system. The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil provide an effective defense against virus, parasites, bacteria and fungus.

Coconut oil stimulates digestion and helps nutrient absorption. Some people take coconut oil by the spoonful. Others take the coconut oil by mixing it in a smoothie or by adding the oil to their tea or coffee beverage.

2. Use as a Cooking Oil

The double bonds in polyunsaturated oils like vegetable oils make them vulnerable to oxidation and free radical attack. Many vegetable oils turn rancid due to oxidation and the free radicals cause degenerative diseases and quicken the aging process.

Coconut oil is very stable chemically as it is saturated and has no double bonds. Thus coconut oil is not oxidized easily. It is so resistant to free radical attack that is acts as an anti-oxidant.

Foods fried in coconut oil absorb less fats than foods fried in hydrogenated vegetable oils. Foods cooked in coconut oil stay fresh longer and promote nutrient absorption. Thus, it is advisable to change your cooking oil to coconut oil instead of vegetable oil.

3. Apply on Hair as Hair Moisturiser

Coconut oil does a lot for hair. It makes hair soft and silky, easy to brush through and brings its condition back to touchable. The small molecular structure of coconut oil allows for easy absorption, giving hair a smooth and soft texture.

Coconut oil is easy to use on hair. Put it on the hair, rub it in, relax for a minute or two, and wash out. Using coconut oil as a pre-wash conditioner can rid a person of dandruff better than a medicated shampoo and it is effective in conditioning the scalp.

4. Apply on Skin as Skin Lotion

Coconut oil is ideal for skin care. It prevents the formation of destructive free radicals, and can prevent your skin from developing skin blemishes caused by aging and overexposure to sunlight.

Apply a teaspoon of coconut oil on your face to remove your make-up after a long day. After that, wash your face with soap made from coconut oil. Finally apply coconut oil to moisturise your skin.

The thin layer of coconut oil is quickly absorbed and forms a protective coating for your skin which guards against bacteria. Coconut oil strengthens the underlying skin tissues, bringing lasting improvement for the skin.

5. Take It as a Natural Medicine

One must be warned that coconut oil is not a substitute for the medicines you normally take. Instead, coconut oil strengthens your immune system to fight the disease while the medicine prescribed by your doctor reduces the severity of your symptoms.

The people in Panama increase their dosage of coconut oil and coconut milk whenever they feel that an illness is coming up. Coconut oil speeds their recovery from illness, and has protected the people in the tropics from infectious diseases like malaria and yellow fever for generations.

6. Use It in a Diet to Manage Your Weight

Actually, the word “diet” is not appropriate here. Using coconut oil, you lose weight by making wise food choices without feeling hungry, miserable and deprived. Continue to take foods cooked in fat and desserts containing fats and have fun losing weight. This is possible if the fat taken is mostly coconut oil.

Coconut oil increases your metabolic rate which makes the body burn more calories. This increased metabolism stays for 24 hours. Taking coconut oil increases your energy level and burn off calories at an accelerated rate.

7. Go on a Detoxification Program with It

Coconut oil can be used to clear out the toxins that have been accumulated in your body after many years. A detoxification program using coconut oil can cleanse your body system and let you feel good and look good.

Before going on the program, one should have been taking coconut oil as a health supplement for at least 2 weeks. It is advisable to stay at home as you may need to go to the toilet often. Take no food and a tablespoon of coconut oil every two hours. The whole program lasts 14 hours with 7 tablespoons of coconut oil.

Protect your immune system and nourish your health with virgin coconut oil, Go to:


By: John Goh

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Get Premium Virgin Coconut Oil at www.NuferaForHealth.com

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Coconut Oil Increases Beneficial Properties in Human Breast Milk
by: Cori Young


The unique composition of human breast milk fat includes the fatty acids, lauric acid and capric acid, which have potent antimicrobial properties. These fatty acids offer the nursing infant protection from viruses such as herpes and HIV, protozoa such as giardia lamblia, and bacteria such as chlamydia and heliocobater.

A study published in 1998 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that lactating mothers who eat coconut oil and other coconut products, have significantly increased levels of lauric acid and capric acid in their breast milk. Thus, the milk supply has increased amounts of the protective antimicrobials , which will give even greater protection to the nursing infant.

Pregnant females store fat to assure successful lactation. Any lauric acid and capric acid in the diet becomes part of the adipose stores. The milk fat of a lactating mother is made up of these stores as well as her current diet. If her diet doesn't contain lauric acid, then generally her milk fat will contain around 3% lauric acid and round 1% capric acid.

When a lactating woman adds foods rich in lauric acid to her diet, the amount of lauric acid available in her breastmilk increases substantially to levels three times the original level and nearly double the amount of capric acid. In countries where coconut oil is a diet staple, levels of lauric acid in the mother’s milk can be as high as 21% and capric acid can be as high as 6% giving her infant even more protection against viruses, bacteria, and protozoa.

Coconut oil can be used instead of butter in cooking and baking. You can stir it into oatmeal or even use it as a spread. Also, this oil's antimicrobial properties are beneficial for the skin. Pregnant women in many cultures the world over rub cocnut oil on their expanding bellies to keep skin soft and prevent itching.


Fife, Bruce. The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil

Francois CA, Connor SL, Wander RC, Connor WE. Acute effects of dietary fatty acids on the fatty acids of human milk. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1998;67:301-308.

Bach, A.C., et. al. 1989. Clinical and experimental effects of medium chain triglyceride based fat emulsions-a review. Clin. Nutr. 8:223

About The Author

Cori Young is an herbalist living in the Pacific Northwest.
For more information on healing with herbs, visit her website,
Herbal Remedies Info (http://www.herbalremediesinfo.com)

New Page 1

Why Nufera Virgin Coconut Oil? 1: "NUFERA Virgin Coconut Oil has properties and characteristics which make it a complete functional food needed by your body to maintain and enhance your health. Since NUFERA Virgin Coconut Oil is natural and organic, you don't have to worry about side effects, unlike medicines.

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Thursday, April 5, 2007

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Properties of NUFERA Virgin Coconut Oil

Why NUFERA Virgin Coconut Oil Is Good For Your Health?
NUFERA Virgin Coconut Oil has properties and characteristics which make it a complete functional food needed by your body to maintain and enhance your health. Since NUFERA Virgin Coconut Oil is natural and organic, you don't have to worry about side effects, unlike medicines.

+ Rich in lauric acid; contains properties of mother's milk
+ Anti-viral
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+ Strong anti-oxidant